Flatid Planthopper (Flataloides scabrosa)
United States: Alabama: Tuscaloosa Co.
Tulip Tree Springs off Echola Rd.; Elrod
J.C. Abbott #2995
Selva Baja Caducifolia en Paco´s Reserva de Flora y Fauna Silvestre
Small cicada, size of a large horsefly, mottled mint green and black pattern, wings with numerous black specks.
Falls within the range of variation ID'd with this name on BugGuide, but considerably darker than the one I saw at Peppersauce a month prior.
Lots of taxonomic confusion here, but this seems like the current name to use in AZ. See http://canr.udel.edu/planthoppers/north-america/north-american-fulgoridae/genus-alphina-stal-1863/ and http://canr.udel.edu/planthoppers/north-america/north-american-fulgoridae/genus-calyptoproctus-spinola-1839/