Fotos / Sonidos


Julio 2015


There were four garter snakes found in one of the double ponds at Pepperwood. The pond was mostly dried up, with damp edges. The snakes were found in the grass, in the mud. One was much larger than the other three. The smaller snakes were 10-14" long with black and red scales. The larger snake had black and yellow scales.

Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis - Photo (c) Mike Rochford, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Mike Rochford
de lianaelaine: Thamnophis sirtalis ssp. infernalis, un miembro de Culebra Listonada Común (Thamnophis sirtalis)
Añadido el 16 de julio de 2015
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Hierba de San Juan (Hypericum perforatum)




Julio 1, 2015


I saw a yellow flower that was about three feet tall and next to the trail in the shade. There were about 10-15 of the same type around it in a six foot radius.

Hierba de San Juan - Photo (c) akolter, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
de lianaelaine: Hierba de San Juan (Hypericum perforatum)
Añadido el 15 de julio de 2015
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Salamandra de Piel Rugosa (Taricha granulosa)




Julio 1, 2015 a las 02:39 PM PDT


The newt was found in a small pool about 5.5 feet in diameter and 1/2 feet deep. The pool was located in an oak forest in a dry creek bed. A small stream (an extremely small stream that was probably only a few centimeters deep), that ran across the trail and downhill towards the pool, fed the creek. Although there were many leaves, branches, and other debris in the pool, the water was clear. When the bottom of the pool was disturbed, the water became cloudy. There were approximately 5-7 Northern Rough Skin Newts in the pool and possibly 1-2 California newts. The rough skin newt has a dark grey/brown back (that blended in very well with the bottom of the pool) and a bright orange underside. One California Rough Skin Newt was about 4/5 inches in length and another was about 8 inches in length. One newt came up for air during this observation, so the bright orange belly could be easily observed. A wasp nest was also found close by (approximately 3-5 feet downstream). There was about 75-80% canopy cover over the pool.

Salamandra de Piel Rugosa - Photo (c) Oonagh, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Oonagh
de lianaelaine: Salamandra de Piel Rugosa (Taricha granulosa)
Añadido el 15 de julio de 2015
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Fotos / Sonidos




Julio 2015


3 baby garder snakes about the size of an sharpened pencil were found under a grass shelter,one was more red colored than the other two. no mother found...

Thamnophis sirtalis infernalis - Photo (c) Mike Rochford, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Mike Rochford
de lianaelaine: Thamnophis sirtalis ssp. infernalis, un miembro de Culebra Listonada Común (Thamnophis sirtalis)
Añadido el 14 de julio de 2015
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Poleo (Mentha pulegium)




Julio 8, 2015


This flower is a purple or lavender color. There are long stalks with flower pods that consist of 50+ little flowers. They were in the grassland but were creating a ring around a mostly dried up pond. The ring was oval shaped that was 50 yards in length and 30 yards in width. The ring was about 2-3 feet thick. The leaves are long, thin, fuzzy, and green. The flowers are stinky.

Poleo - Photo (c) Reiner Richter, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA), subido por Reiner Richter
de lianaelaine: Poleo (Mentha pulegium)
Añadido el 14 de julio de 2015
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Bejori de Cerca Occidental (Sceloporus occidentalis)




Julio 8, 2015


Found scurrying through grass. Captivating blue to violet belly to underside chin.

Bejori de Cerca Occidental - Photo (c) Steven Kurniawidjaja, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por Steven Kurniawidjaja
de lianaelaine: Bejori de Cerca Occidental (Sceloporus occidentalis)
Añadido el 14 de julio de 2015
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Julio 9, 2014


Beetles inside a gumweed flower.

Escarabajos Y Parientes - Photo (c) Wynand Uys, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY), subido por Wynand Uys
de lianaelaine: Escarabajos Y Parientes (Orden Coleoptera)
Añadido el 15 de julio de 2014
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Mariposa Luna de Parches Negros (Phyciodes mylitta)


Julio 9, 2014


May be a California Crescent based on whether the hind wings are considered square or round.

Mariposa Luna de Parches Negros - Photo (c) Neil Bjorklund, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Neil Bjorklund
de lianaelaine: Mariposa Luna de Parches Negros (Phyciodes mylitta)
Añadido el 15 de julio de 2014
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Falta la fecha


Little black beetle bug with red spot on its back.

Largus - Photo (c) John Carlson, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC), subido por John Carlson
de lianaelaine: Género Largus, un miembro de Willis Y Parientes (Familia Largidae)
Añadido el 09 de julio de 2014
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Setas, Bejines Y Parientes (Clase Agaricomycetes)




Julio 2, 2014 a las 04:36 PM PDT


Large brown mushroom in the dirt/gravel near the parking lot at the Dwight Center. Roughly 3 inches in diameter.

Hongos - Photo (c) Adam, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Adam
de lianaelaine: Hongos (Reino Fungi)
Añadido el 09 de julio de 2014
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