Fotos / Sonidos


Tapacaminos Pandeagua (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii)


Febrero 2024


I guess just sleeping in the middle of the canyon! It let me get really close to get pics and didn’t wake up. I said “hello” and it didn’t wake up or move. Hopefully it wasn’t dead. But I’ve come across them before sleeping on the ground during the day. They seem like pretty hard sleepers.

Tapacaminos Pandeagua - Photo (c) Ken-ichi Ueda, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY)
de jamesw7: Tapacaminos Pandeagua (Phalaenoptilus nuttallii)
Añadido el 26 de febrero de 2024
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Lagarto de Collar de la Gran Cuenca (Crotaphytus bicinctores)


Mayo 2022
Lagarto de Collar de la Gran Cuenca - Photo (c) Zeev NG, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Zeev NG
de jamesw7: Lagarto de Collar de la Gran Cuenca (Crotaphytus bicinctores)
Añadido el 08 de mayo de 2022
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Zorrita del Desierto (Vulpes macrotis)


Noviembre 2021


First kit fox I’ve ever got on my wildlife cam! Location obscured because this is taken outside my house - no food outside or anything. Just a kit fox cruising around! In recent years, they have been known to take people’s shoes that are out by their front doors and stuff in my neighborhood😂Haven’t heard of any stolen shoes this season. Maybe in the campgrounds though from the coyotes, which like to do that too, haha

Zorrita del Desierto - Photo (c) markc666, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC)
de jamesw7: Zorrita del Desierto (Vulpes macrotis)
Añadido el 11 de noviembre de 2021
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Águila Real (Aquila chrysaetos)


Agosto 2021
Águila Real - Photo (c) Carlos N. G. Bocos, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Carlos N. G. Bocos
de jamesw7: Águila Real (Aquila chrysaetos)
Añadido el 17 de agosto de 2021
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Fotos / Sonidos


Tlalcoyote (Taxidea taxus)


Febrero 2021


I saw a red-tailed hawk so I stopped to take a picture. Then I began seeing movement below the hawk and it was this badger! I don’t think they were interacting, the hawk flew away and the badger must have ducked back into a hole because I didn’t see it anymore. My first (alive) badger I’ve seen and taken a photo of!!! 65 degrees at 3:19pm. Red-tailed hawk:

Tlalcoyote - Photo (c) Jerry Oldenettel, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-SA)
de jamesw7: Tlalcoyote (Taxidea taxus)
Añadido el 10 de abril de 2021
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Tortuga Patona del Desierto de Sonora (Gopherus agassizii)


Mayo 2020


May 17th, 2020. 6:20pm, 82 degrees and breezy. My friend Caroline put her observation too so there may be 2 ID’s for this one, same date. Looks like on the back of the shell a possible injury that healed? The tortoise never hunched up in its shell, it was never scared. It was very active. My first live tortoise in Death Valley. Really special to see. Location slightly obscured to protect this tortoise.

Tortuga Patona del Desierto de Sonora - Photo (c) Henry Fabian, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Henry Fabian
de jamesw7: Tortuga Patona del Desierto de Sonora (Gopherus agassizii)
Añadido el 19 de mayo de 2020
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Garza Dedos Dorados (Egretta thula)


Mayo 9, 2020 a las 12:46 PM PDT


Two white birds flying by over head. Perched in trees for a bit. I wanted to upload my observation, incase someone could tell what the birds are. Sorry for the poor zoom (taken on my phone).

Garza Dedos Dorados - Photo (c) Juan Miguel Artigas Azas, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Juan Miguel Artigas Azas
de jamesw7: Garza Dedos Dorados (Egretta thula)
Añadido el 10 de mayo de 2020

Fotos / Sonidos


Camaleón del Noroeste (Phrynosoma blainvillii)




Marzo 2020
Camaleón del Noroeste - Photo (c) Natalie McNear, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Natalie McNear
de jamesw7: Camaleón del Noroeste (Phrynosoma blainvillii)
Añadido el 23 de abril de 2020
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Fotos / Sonidos


Lince Americano (Lynx rufus)




Mayo 27, 2019 a las 07:27 PM PDT
Lince Americano - Photo (c) Kala Murphy King, algunos derechos reservados (CC BY-NC-ND), subido por Kala Murphy King
de jamesw7: Lince Americano (Lynx rufus)
Añadido el 30 de mayo de 2019
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Oso Negro Americano (Ursus americanus)




Junio 2016


Canada (Google, OSM)
Oso Negro Americano - Photo (c) Dan LaVorgna, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Dan LaVorgna
de jamesw7: Oso Negro Americano (Ursus americanus)
Añadido el 26 de mayo de 2019
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