Saw this dead Monkey during a dive in Bali
Found by a neighbor early afternoon on Oct. 10, 2016, hanging out on an outside wall of an apartment building in (East) Oakland, CA 94605
Long-horned Grasshopper
Location: Jampui Hills, Tripura
Date: 22nd October 2012
Equipment: Nikon D300s with Nikkor AF 28-105mm lens
This Madrona was glowing in the low winter sunlight.
Just before disappearing in the tall grass the cheetah youngster gave us a final look!
We went for a Black Water apnea session.
Swimming out into the dark and looking for critters at the surface.
(EN) Yellowback Anthias - (FR) Anthias à dos jaune
Mirolabrichthys evansi, Réunion Island
Big Blue
Morning: Bayfield, WI
Midday: Apostle Islands NP
'Sleeping beauty'
Resting in a depression on a large vine (lliana) along the trail. It is here for hours, until the rain poured.
Inasmuch as its venom is lethal, the viper is quite vulnerable in this passive state - can easily be picked up and killed by locals, especially for food in this region. In fact, this viper species, like the gaboon, is a popular animal protein source.
Being found behind, or beyond the cutline of the forest reserve determines survival - life, or death for the spectacular wildlife.
A burrowing species with aposematic colouration that deters predators when the species surfaces after rain.
I have monitored several dozen individuals of this species (and their breeding activities) since 2009. This particular individual was first spotted on 11 April 2019 with a new egg case; by 11 May 2019 a second egg case had been added. During a visit on 15 June 2019, the spiderlings from the first egg case had hatched, had moulted in the web next to the egg case and had dispersed. No subsequent visits were made to check on the fate of the second egg case.
Photos: spider looking gravid on 2 May 2019, egg cases on 11 May 2019 and first encounter (shortly after depositing first egg case?) on 11 April 2019.
There was a thick layer on algae on the water. Most of the animals had a coating of the algae on their legs or entire bodies.
Recent rain droplets + hydrophobic spore mass = psychedelic purple bubblescape
Male Batagur borneoensis in habitat. Discovered while carried out field survey. Further info at
Tortuga verde o blanca, (Chelonia mydas), nació con leucismo ya que tiene falta de pigmentación y con ojos negros.
ID and locality info based off of my notes from 2004. I tried to update taxonomic changes.
Thanks to my father, Dr. Tod Reeder, for having me on this trip.
This is a green sea turtle that saw its reflection in my camera's dome port. Out of curiosity it almost swam into me! I took this before I had to move from out behind my camera and look to see if it was going to hit me. In retrospect, I wish I had kept shooting. But, just observing these guys is amazing in its own right. Nowhere in the world have I seen as many turtles on every dive as we did in Palau. Repeatedly, we'd see at least 3 or 4 turtles on most dives and I remember one dive where we saw at least 10.
Palau was the first country to declare their waters a sanctuary for sharks and as a result of their efforts the fish and turtle populations seem equally healthy. Absolutely fantastic to see that their efforts are paying off with healthy reefs, healthy fish populations, healthy shark populations, and lots of turtles!
Came out of the water covered in duckweed and was feeding on fallen mullberries.
I found it in La Sierra Tarahumara close to the Cascada Basaseachi. July, 2016. Chihuahua, Mexico
En Sector Pitilla ACG un lugar donde había sido reportada antes pero muy poco común.
Amazing fight of 2 dedicated salamanders, trying to wrestle it out. Completely unbothered by my presence and strong light. After watching this for maybe 10-15 minutes, I gently separated them by 20-30 cm, just to see them going for each other again! I guess they needed the rest of the night to find out who's the winner...
Here's a short film clip:
Shark juvenil of Carcharinidae found has genetic mutation (albino and cyclocephaly)
Info credit: Dadang Pattikaloba
Source and photos: Kompas Media
tagged, measured, dna sampled and released
A male flasher wrasse displaying at Monad shoal, near Malapascua, Philippines. Very hard to photograph!
Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) catches, then immediately drops a Pacific Seahorse (Hippocampus ingens) back into the drink. This image captures the head just a fraction of a second before it slips back under (Seahorses do not swim along the surface).
Night dive at Finn Beach
I've seen similar slugs in the forest, but never in the alpine at 1600m. A v cool critter!
Over 5' long, found crossing the road in NW Ecuador at Dracula Reserve, around 2,000m elevation.
Fluorescent under 365 nm UV light
Found at a depth of about 2500 feet
This nymph of a bush-cricket, ~2-3cm, looks like a giant ant (mimicry);
however, ants (Hymenoptera) neither have such - long - antennae nor such strong hind-legs (femur)!
The colouration supports the mimicry: the dark colour of antennae is interrupted by a broad white part, hence they seem to be short like the ones of ants. The same happens with the colourful neon-stripes that legs seem thin and the body seems constricted... like a real ant!
Subfamily: Phaneropterinae BURMEISTER, 1838 (false katydids)
[det. Brigitte Helfert, 2013, based on this photo]
Family: Tettigoniidae KRAUSS, 1902
(bush-crickets or katydids, Laubheuschrecken)
[det. "shadowshador", 2013, based on this photo]
Superfamily: Tettigonioidea KRAUSS, 1902
Suborder: Ensifera (crickets, katydids and bush-crickets, Langfühlerschrecken)
Order: Orthoptera (Heuschrecken & Grillen)
Infraclass: Neoptera (Neuflügler)
Subclass: Pterygota
Class: Insecta (insects, Insekten)
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Phylum: Arthropoda (Gliederfüßer)
taxonomical info:
Indonesia, W-Papua, vic. Manokwari: Gunung Meja (Table mountain NP), ca. 100m asl., 11.08.2010; IMG_3684
Grasshopper laying eggs