Small snake, about the thickness of my small finger. From a distance it looked more like a bunch of caterpillars.
Vagrant species in the Western Cape
PBP has small black blotch in front of the eye, pinkish mandibular pouch (not yellow as GWP) and smaller, whiter area of facial skin. In flight much less contrast between underwing coverts and dark grey flight feathers are visible, with grey upper wing coverts (not white) and dark grey primaries (not black). Tail grey, not white.
An image showing both Pelican species is included for comparison.
Dark form. Yellowish eye and dark terminal tail band diagnostic.
There were two birds and they were heard calling
A couple of otters feeding in a little inlet at Olifantsbos provided a rich reward for iNatting actvities during the City Nature Challenge 2019
Video here: