Herpetologist contacted thinks it is most likely a Northern Alligator Lizard that was either a released or escaped pet. This was the smaller of two seen in backyard of house. While we often have many lizards this was a first for this kind.
Bold creature; scoring food off the couple pausing for a snack.
This Cèdre Gouraud Forest of Atlas cedars is one of the chief stands of this species, which is under increasing deforestation pressure throughout the region, due to deforestation and overgrazing of livestock by indigenous peoples. It is also a key habitat of the endangered Barbary macaque.
Tiny tree-like fungus(?) growing out of leaf litter. There were several in the same area - photos 4 & 5 show other individuals. Main individual is approximately 2cm wide, 3-4cm tall.
Very healthy looking sorrel near creek and up canyon