Along nature trail at campground on floodplain of the Carson River, Fort Churchill State Historic Park, Lyon County, Nevada, elev. 4215 ft.
western goldentop, Euthamia occidentalis, Pine Nut Mountains along the banks of the lower Carson River, elevation 1280 m (4200 ft).
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three hearts, Tricardia watsonii, Pine Nut Mountains, elevation 1285 m (4220 ft). One of my favorite species whenever I stumble across it. Named for the three heart-shaped outer calyx lobes that expand to enclose the fruits.
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bur buttercup, Ranunculus testiculatus, Pine Nut Mountains, elevation 1290 m (4225 ft).
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holly dandelion, Glyptopleura marginata, Nevada, Pine Nut Mountains, Fort Churchill State Park, Carson River drainage, elevation 1289 m (4230 ft).
sticky yellowthroats, Phacelia bicolor, Pine Nut Mountains, elevation 1290 m (4240 ft).
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