The original Sagehen Master Plant List was assembled by F. Felix from various sources and kept manually updated between 2001-2007. The most important of these sources are Trowbridge (1975), and the Sagehen Herbarium collection (1960-present). The list is now quite complete, accurate and current for Ferns, Horsetails, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms found in the basin. It is possibly less so for Bryophyta, and decidedly less complete for algae (and fungi and lichens).

The Sagehen Master Plant List was imported to iNaturalist in 2012, and the list now includes additions from more recent collecting by F. Felix and E. Krimmel, some* other Calflora records for the basin, plus research-grade iNaturalist observations of plants not previously collected nor otherwise documented in the Sagehen Creek basin. Since 2019, digitized Sagehen Herbarium records are available at CCH2.org, and contain 1620 Sagehen basin vouchers as of 1-28-2021...


Plantas - Photo (c) Rocío Ramírez Barrios, todos los derechos reservados, subido por Rocío Ramírez Barrios Lista exhaustiva de Plantas (Reino Plantae)
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faerthen Añadido por faerthen en September 28, 2012