February Photo-observation of the Month Winner

February's theme was "food" and the observations were quite a banquet. Marv Elliot's shot of a Merlin standing on its prey and staring down the camera was the clear favorite by voters. Check out his amazing shot at http://www.inaturalist.org/observations/539629. And check out the map of Merlin sightings on iNaturalist Vermont (http://www.inaturalist.org/taxa/4672-Falco-columbarius/map#7.55/43.705/-72.450) and on Vermont eBird (http://tinyurl.com/mxdvagw). The Vermont Breeding Bird Atlas, a project of the Vermont Atlas of Life, found that Merlins expanded their range in Vermont drastically from the first atlas 30 years ago to the second atlas just recently finished (http://www.vtecostudies.org/vbba/accounts/MERL.html).

Publicado el 12 de marzo de 2014 a las 04:03 PM por kpmcfarland kpmcfarland


Thank you all for the nice comments. I love to photograph birds as a way to know them better. This shot was so much luck, being in the right place at the right time and getting help (Sue wanted to stop and see a snow goose in the yard of a nearby house). The opportunities are out there we just have to catch them. Marv Elliott

Anotado por marvelliott hace mas de 10 años

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