

Vegetation Associations in Botswana

Bekker & De Wit 1991 Vegetation Map of the Republic of Botswana

Please add the vegetation type. They are in alphabetical order, but:
Note: Acacia is now Vachellia and Senegalia, Rhus is now Searsia

Vegetation Map of the Republic of Botswana

The major types are:

A: Sandveld
B: Hardveld
C: Miomboveld
D: Recent Lacustrine (Panveld)
E: Fossil Lacustrine (Ancient Panveld)
F: Alluvium (Riverine)
G: Sandveld-Hardveld Transition Veld
H: Mopaneveld
I: Wetland
J: Salt Pans

A: Sandveld

A1a Vachellia haemotoxyon, Rhigozum trichotomum Sandveld

A2a Senegalia mellifera, Vachellia luederitzii, Boschia albitrunca Sandveld

A3a Terminalia sericea, Lonchocarpus nelsii (Vachellia erioloba) Sandveld
A3b ...más ↓

Publicado el 12 de febrero de 2018 a las 02:08 PM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo | 7 comentarios | Deja un comentario

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Bekker & De Wit 1991 Vegetation Map of the Republic of Botswana

Please add the vegetation type.

Note: Acacia is now Vachellia and Senegalia, Rhus is now Searsia

The major types are:

A: Sandveld
B: Hardveld
C: Miomboveld
D: Recent Lacustrine (Panveld)
E: Fossil Lacustrine (Ancient Panveld)
F: Alluvium (Riverine)
G: Sandveld-Hardveld ...más ↓

tonyrebelo creó este proyecto el 12 de febrero de 2018
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