The 5th Anniversary of the Project 專案成立五周年

The project was established on Sept. 26, 2017, and had format change a month ago (Aug. 26). Nowadays, the project is of collection type, which the system automatically collect all the obs of Odonata logged in Taiwan.

本專案是在2017年9 月26 日成立的,而在一個月前,更改為收集型專案。現在系統會自動收集所有在台灣記錄到的蜻蛉目昆蟲。

There are 28,515 obs, 138 species, with 892 identifiers & 2,497 observers with 163 members. Among these obs, 1,705 are of "Needs ID", which is 5.98%.

本專案現在共有 28,515 筆記錄,138物種,有 892 個鑑定者,2,497 個觀察者,而當中有 163 個會員。這些記錄中,有 1,705 筆仍有待鑑定,比例約為 5.98%。

The short-term quantitative and qualitative goals: our obs is closing in with Singapore's, the gap is now less than 900. Hopefully, those of "Needs ID" can keep below 6%.

短期量和值的目標:我們的觀察記錄與亞州第一的新加坡相較,相差不到 900 筆了。另外,有待鑑定的比例也希望能保持在 6% 以下。

Thank you for everyone who uploaded obs of Odonata in Taiwan, helping id the species. Should you have any suggestion on the project, pls feel free to leave your comments or drop me few lines.

感謝每一位上傳蜻蛉目觀察記錄以及協助鑑定的 iNat 使用者,如有任何建議或指教,敬請留言,或是直接寫 email 給我。

Publicado el 25 de septiembre de 2022 a las 04:12 PM por aru aru



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@minhsuan 謝謝!

Anotado por aru hace casi 2 años


Anotado por i-lung hace casi 2 años

@i-lung 謝謝!

Anotado por aru hace más de un año

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