More than 1,000 observations / 累積超過 1,000 筆觀察記錄

The 1,000th observation was added to the project today (Jun 20, 2018, Wed), which is "Orthetrum glaucum" by doggy0406 (

今天此計畫累積超過了1,000筆觀察記錄,第1,000筆記錄是由 doggy0406 所做觀察的「金黃蜻蜓」(如上連結)。

To date, the project boasts 1,021 observations spanning 69 distinct species contributed by 46 individuals, with a total of 24 members actively involved. According to the system's statistics, the project has documented 69 species; however, if subspecies are included, the count rises to 70. Notably, two subspecies of Psolodesmus mandarinus—namely the nominate subspecies and ssp dorothea—have been observed, although they are counted as a single species in the tally.

到目前為止,本計畫已累積了 1,021筆觀察記錄,這些記錄是來自 46 位 iNat 使用者的觀察,涵蓋了 69 物種。雖然系統的統計數字是 69 個物種,若包括亞種的話,那麼本計畫已收集了 70 個物種的觀察記錄了。其中,「中華珈蟌」的記錄有兩個亞種,廈門(指名、中華)亞種與南臺亞種。

What's the next milestone? 80 species (including ssp) or 2,000 observations? I hope 80 species come first. There are 161 species recorded in Taiwan; among them, 2 only occur in Quemoy (Kinmen), and 2 only in Lanyu & Green Island they are

下一個里程碑是甚麼呢?80 個物種(含亞種)?還是 2,000 筆觀察記錄?我希望能先達到80 個物種(含亞種)。台灣一共有 161 種蜻蛉目的記錄,其中有兩種只發生在金門,有兩種只發生綠島和蘭嶼。

烏齒琵蟌 - Prodasineura autumnalis (Fraser, 1922) -- 金門 Quemoy
丹頂細蟌 - Pseudagrion rubriceps rubriceps Selys, 1876 -- 金門 Quemoy

八仙蜻蜓 - Agrionoptera insignis similis Selys, 1879 -- 綠島及蘭嶼 Green Island & Lanyu
霜白蜻蜓西里亞種 - Orthetrum Pruinosum clelia (Selys, 1878) -- 綠島及蘭嶼 Green Island & Lanyu

There are observations made in Quemoy (by chih-wei_jack_chang) and Lanyu (by wkcheng71). But none of these 4 were recorded. No observations made in Pescadores (Penghu) & Matsu so far.

本計畫中有金門與蘭嶼的觀察記錄,分別是由 chih-wei_jack_chang 與 wkcheng71 所貢獻,但這四個物種都沒有記錄到。到目前為止,也沒有在澎湖與馬祖的觀察記錄。


Publicado el 20 de junio de 2018 a las 01:09 PM por aru aru


@chih-wei_jack_chang often go to Kinmen this year. He will have a very good chance to spot the two species that occur there.

Anotado por linscott hace mas de 6 años

@linscott You know Jack personally! That's great. Wish Jack good luck. I learnt that P. autumnalis lives at an extremely limited area at Quemoy (Kinmen); as to P. r. rubriceps, I have no idea, on iNat, there are obs in HKG, Hainan, Guangdong, Thailand, Singapore and India. P. autumnalis is very popular in HKG & it's easy to recognize.

Anotado por aru hace mas de 6 años

My wife, @yu-lian, go to Kinmen for bird survey monthly this year. She will join this project.

Anotado por chih-wei_jack_chang hace mas de 6 años

@chih-wei_jack_chang Welcome! Whether or not documenting those 2 species is rather irrelevant. I hope you both genuinely enjoy watching odonata species and this proj.

Anotado por aru hace mas de 6 años

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