Observation of 60 species / 累積了 60 個物種的觀察記錄

This morning (June 8, 2018), the species count in the Proj. reached 60 after the addition of "Anax guttatus" by @doggy0406. This milestone marks a significant achievement, one that I envisioned when initiating the project. Why 60? Well, there's a widely recognized guidebook on odonata in Taiwan titled "Taiwan 120 Dragonflies." Hence, today's observations in the project cover half of Taiwan's 120 dragonfly species.

這個 Project 已累積收集到了 60 個物種了!第60個是 doggy0406 所觀察的「烏點晏蜓」。60 是我在成立這個 Project 時心裡想到的第一個目標;這個目標是來自那本圖鑑「台灣 120 種蜻蜓」,今天這個Project 達到了一半。

I wish to thank all the member contributors,


briangooding, wkcheng71, linscott, @liujimfood @cynthiasu @tatsu_yakuro & @chih-wei_jack_chang

And other observers whose observations were added to the project by members.
以及其他非成員的蜻蛉目昆蟲觀察者,許多 Project 裡的觀察記錄來自非成員。

I specially wish to thank

@briangooding , who joined the project in the very beginning and has been sharing with his precious knowledge and expertise on odonata species.

@wkcheng71 , a diligent observer and prolific photographer who joined the project days after its setup and contributed lots of observations

@linscott , the major contributor in past few wk and expected the be the biggest one in the near future.

@doggy0406, non-member, I am inviting him to join this project. His "Anax guttatus" made the 60th species of the project.

Publicado el 08 de junio de 2018 a las 08:46 AM por aru aru


Well done!

Anotado por linscott hace cerca de 6 años


Anotado por liujimfood hace cerca de 6 años

I would like to visit Taiwan again!

Anotado por wkcheng71 hace cerca de 6 años

@wkcheng71 Welcome! 歡迎歡迎! ¡Bienvenido!

I thought you were in Taiwan till I wrote you last year. It looked like that you stayed quite long time here before, or you visited Taiwan so often that taking many photos overall the island, even Lanyu (Orchid island)?

Anotado por aru hace cerca de 6 años

Great work, @aru and everyone else! I also hope to go back to Taiwan in the near future and hopefully find more dragonflies.

Anotado por briangooding hace cerca de 6 años

@briangooding Welcome! 歡迎歡迎! ¡Bienvenido! いらっしゃいませ。
You had found a species before its description was published here. What will you find next time? Really looking forward to your visit!

Anotado por aru hace cerca de 6 años

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