
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Reptilia Squamata Amphisbaenia Amphisbaenidae Ancylocranium Ancylocranium somalicum

Taxonomic notes: Section empty


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Geographic Range

This worm lizard is a near-endemic to coastal southern Somalia, where it has been recorded from a number of localities from the mouth of the Giuba (=Jubba) River to Eggi (Gans 2005, Lanza 1990). The subspecies A. s. parkeri - treated as a full species without comment by Gans 2005 - is restricted to the Haud in northern Somalia, where it is known from three specimens at 2100-2300 ft (Gans 2005).


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There is no information on the population status of this species. Gans (2005) lists two known specimens for the nominate form and three for A. s. parkeri; the latter have accession dates in 1958, and the lectotypes of the nominate form were apparently assigned in 1966 (confirm this with Gans and Kochva). Gans and Pandit (1965) mention in passing that a drowned specimen of this species was found in a pool south of Mogadishu, but these authors do not discuss this record.


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There is no information on the ecological requirements of this species.


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Use Trade

It is unknown whether there is any use or trade in this species.


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It is unknown whether any threats to this species exist.


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Specific Threats


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    Conservation Actions

    It is unknown whether any conservation measures are required.


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    Specific Actions


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      Red List Rationale



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