Adopt a taxon/state

Nearly 7000 records have been added to this project since we began in February. Wow!

One of the great things about iNaturalist is that many folks are already adding great interaction data to their observations. We can use iNat's search tools to find records that fit our spatial and taxonomic criteria AND have the field 'Interaction->visited flower of:' filled in. That way we can curate which ones are appropriate to put in the project. For example, here's how many observations with flower interaction data are in the different states:

Maine - 6
New Hampshire - 162
Vermont - 22,580
Massachusetts - 895
Connecticut - 824
Rhode Island - 0 (whoohoo!)
New Jersey - 1
Pennsylvania - 557
New York - 7,671

Not every record is appropriate for the project. Some are not flower visitors (i.e., caterpillars) or don't have flower information (e.g., 'unknown'). When we look at specific taxa, some are almost completed! Here's butterflies:
Maine - 0
New Hampshire - 0
Vermont - 1,039 (And a lot of those VT records don't have flower information anyway)
Massachusetts - 0
Connecticut - 2
Rhode Island - 0
New Jersey - 0
Pennsylvania - 0
New York - 15

Whoohoo! For these taxa, it is helpful to look thorugh records without the interaction field to see if they do include evidence of an interaction. For example, this Monarch is visiting a New England Aster and could be annotated and added to the project:

If you'd like to adopt a taxon and state to curate, let me know, and I can send you a link of observations to review. Here's hoping we can get to 10k by 2024!

Publicado el 11 de noviembre de 2023 a las 01:40 PM por dlnarango dlnarango


I can try to work on New Hampshire. I'm fairly good with wild plants, so-so on non-native ornamentals but I'll see what I can do!

Anotado por mollymjacobson hace 7 meses

Thanks Molly! Here's a link to all NH observations not in the project that already have the field "interaction->visited flower of" filled in:,47201,47822,47208,3&verifiable=any&field:interaction-%3Evisited%20flower%20of

Another useful link is to search for anything with "visiting" in the description. Change 'visiting' to other terms that might be useful for searching for interaction data. (e.g., feeding, flower, etc.),47201,47822,47208,3&verifiable=any&q=visiting&search_on=description

Non-native ornamentals can challenging from photos, but I've found the Picture This photo ID app a lot more accurate than iNaturalist in many cases with close flower photos.

Anotado por dlnarango hace 7 meses

Thanks! So just to clarify, you would like posts that have interaction data to be added to the project, and those without interaction data to have the field added and then the post added to the project? I'll do my best to go through all bees (to start) from NH and add interactions for any plants I can ID.

Anotado por mollymjacobson hace 7 meses

Yes! Either of those observations types are suitable. Lots of records already have interaction data (or notes about interaction data) so I've been focusing on them, but any record where the plant is identifiable is relevant. If there is a particular taxon you are interested in, it's fun to keep the links in a document and periodically check them for new relevant observations.

Anotado por dlnarango hace 7 meses

Great thanks. I've done NH for all the posts with existing interaction data, I'll also work on NY when I can.

Anotado por mollymjacobson hace 7 meses

Hi @dlnarango if no one has adopted Massachusetts, I can work on those if you can send me the link mentioned above.

Anotado por llsrvd hace 6 meses

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