Feb 10, 2023 - North Segment

I walked with Keith from 9:04 am to 12:19 pm. The weather was cool and dry, with temperatures around 53° F and gentled winds around 5 mph from the SE.

We documented 396 dead newts, 1 live newt, and 1 injured newt. 164 of the dead newts were on the uphill side, 232 newts were on the reservoir side. One of the dead newts was juvenile, the rest were adults.

The 1 live male newt was headed uphill away from the reservoir.

The injured newt was on the reservoir side of the road.

There were 62 cars, 15 trucks, 10 bicyclists, and no pedestrians.

Other roadkill: a small mammal, one queen yellow-faced bumblebee (they are out now and looking for nests)

Publicado el 11 de febrero de 2023 a las 08:49 PM por molly2 molly2


Wow...thanks Molly :-)

Anotado por anudibranchmom hace más de un año

Molly, thanks for all the work you're doing on this project.
Many of the newts you reported today looked very fresh, like they'd been killed only hours before your patrol. I'm wondering if the Los Gatos Boating Club has started lessons. They come early - before sunrise.

Anotado por truthseqr hace más de un año

@truthseqr happy to help.
I didn't notice much traffic at the Los Gatos Boating Club. Their calendar doesn't show anything happening on the 10th but they might not list their lessons there.

Anotado por molly2 hace más de un año

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