Photo Suggestions.

Worth repeating: Thanks for all the great photos- it is amazing what we can see from even a snapshot. The best photos will not only be well-focused close-ups with high resolution (allowing viewers to zoom in), but will show the features used in bee identification. Ideally, these will show up in a top view (showing wing venation and abdomen details) the face, and the side of the bee. The pattern of veins in the wing is especially important for the "green sweat bees" (Agapostemon, Augochlora, Augochlorella, and others). Photos of the face (front view, or side) help to tell whether its a mining bee (Andrena and relatives). A closeup of the abdomen is especially useful for some of the other sweat bees. A good view of the pollen baskets is always helpful. The same features are key for bumble bees- pay special attention to getting a clear image of the pattern of color on the abdomen for them.

Publicado el 27 de mayo de 2017 a las 01:36 PM por rjm2 rjm2


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