October EcoQuest

Goldenrods and Galls

The yellow blooms of Goldenrod are a familiar sight to many New Yorkers this time of year. However, there is more to these autumn beauties than meets the eye. Goldenrods (Solidago and Euthamia spp.) are host to a wide variety of gall-forming insects, who create homes for their offspring by inducing abnormal growth in the tissues of plants. This month we are asking participants to document Goldenrod species as well as to look carefully to find and to photograph any galls they might be hosting.

For resources and a guide to Goldenrod Galls in the Northeast, please refer to this wonderful post made by user @ddennism :

Goldenrod Galls

Publicado el 02 de octubre de 2023 a las 11:59 AM por tohmi tohmi


It is indeed a wonderful post, but it's by @ddennism ! I just commented on how much I liked it. :)

Anotado por sambiology hace 9 meses

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