National Moth Week, July 23-31, 2016

Registration is now open for National Moth Week 2016.

Online registration takes only a few minutes at this link -

We hope that iNaturalist members will consider participating in this global citizen science project by organizing private and public events.
If you are planing to look for moths in the last week of July - please join the mothing community around the world by registering your location to be added to the map (you can see the map here
Please share your moth observation to add to the growing data base on moth distribution.
We would also love to see photo of yourself and others in National Moth Week events. You can share those on our Flickr group at
Join us on Facebook for more moth fun -

Publicado el 27 de marzo de 2016 a las 04:04 PM por liti liti


Quite excited for this! :)

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 8 años

Excellent! If you haven't done so yet - please register on the NMW website. Are you organizing a public event?

Anotado por liti hace mas de 8 años

I'm not sure yet what events will be going on in the Dallas/Fort Worth area to celebrate this -- I'll do some digging.

Anotado por sambiology hace mas de 8 años

Check the map at for public events. And register your mothing as a private event... even if it's just you in your back yard!

Anotado por liti hace mas de 8 años

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