Identifying your observations

Hi everyone!
I hope you are all doing well at this end of the year.
This is just a quick word to inform you I'm still working on the identification on your observations. You made so many of them!
I'm also looking at the other categories as well and will award the prizes when all the work is finished.
I was expecting only 30-50 people but you were 168 to make high quality observations!
Thanks again for your enthusiasm. As this bioblitz was a success I will try to organize another next year.

Stay tuned and wishing you the best for 2023!
Nicolas Schwab

Publicado el 19 de diciembre de 2022 a las 10:58 PM por nschwab nschwab


Thank you for organizing the event! It was a pleasure to work with you. I am always happy to support any initiatives to study biota. The main thing is just to find time - this is the most difficult thing I need. Good luck to you, all the best in the coming year, happiness, peaceful sky over your head and fulfillment of all your wishes! Sincerely, Nikolai Degtyarev.

Anotado por dni_catipo hace casi 2 años

I'm sorry I contributed for your backlog, as I saw your project was having potential and there was only a handful users subscribed, so I invited quite a lot people to join, and well, it made map to look better, and also your project was shown among recommended, as you can see, there's a clear interest among many users to mushrooms! Thank you for organizing the event and of course your ids!
There's also a user who unsubscribed and was top1 in observations, you probably need to contact them to join back.

Anotado por marina_gorbunova hace casi 2 años

@marina_gorbunova @dni_catipo Thanks to you too for participating! It is with great pleasure as well to welcome you to this event!
About the user who unsubscribed I suggested her to merge some of her observation as she was creating different observations for every fruitbody and it made me an impossible ton of work. She left just after that so I believe this made her angry even though this wasn't my objective...

Anotado por nschwab hace casi 2 años

Yes, she posted many bodies as separate observations, it's sad it happened that way, thank you for informing me.

Anotado por marina_gorbunova hace casi 2 años

Mycoblitz is an informative and exciting event. And if such event will be carried out at the same time for 5 consecutive years, it will turn out very important and valuable data for scientific research and monitoring! I will be glad to take part in further initiative.

Anotado por ybuyvolov hace más de un año

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