Excursion to Kim's territory

My first time iNatting in Long Beach: https://www.inaturalist.org/journal/andreacala/43268-october-23rd

Publicado el 25 de octubre de 2020 a las 08:32 PM por andreacala andreacala


What a wonderful outing! I've really got to get out of my little corner of the world as well...

Anotado por scubabruin hace casi 4 años

Maybe looking for shrooms?? Could be a great quest that takes us places.

Anotado por andreacala hace casi 4 años

I like your thinking! :)

Anotado por scubabruin hace casi 4 años

Today I followed in Susan's footsteps and ventured to Malibu Bluffs and Legacy Park. I didn't see quite as much as, but we were treated to quite a show by a group of crows trying to send a Cooper's Hawk on it's way. I observed quite a lot of scat along there bluffs trails and decided it must be from coyotes rather than dogs. I'll be interested in your take on this. The scat I photographed looked similar to several other droppings along the trail and I can't imagine it was from a dog as they just wouldn't poop that often on a walk. So, I'm thinking a coyote pack wondering around leaving their trace.

Other than that, the afternoon proved to be full of mounting doves, yellow-dumped warblers, a few sparrows, and a monarch over at Legacy Park. Thanks for the inspiration and looking forward to Paramount Ranch on Tuesday :)

Stay safe and take a deep breath (al a Tracy). Hugs,

Anotado por scubabruin hace casi 4 años

I agree, this isn't domestic dog scat, but it could be Common Raccoon... I added it to Scatology so the experts can find it.
Please, Laura, if you ever feel tempted to spell check this, please don't. Mounting doves and yellow-dumped warblers gave me a really good giggle!
Looking much forward to our Paramount Ranch excursion. I made a list of a few species I found there that you haven't observed yet, so hopefully we can add half a dozen or so entries to your life list and make it really special. :-)

Anotado por andreacala hace casi 4 años

OK, that was worth a good laugh. I also misspelled wandering. Though, in my defense, it was auto-correct which changed yellow-rumped warblers and I must have mis-typed mourning so it was corrected for me too. Alas, I'm not an accurate typist and happy to give a good chuckle here and there :)

Andrea, thanks for your input of raccoon and adding it to scatology. I agree about the seeds and I'm sure you are right, but those must be big raccoons...

Getting excited for our outing tomorrow, thanks so much!

Anotado por scubabruin hace casi 4 años

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