Project Launch

We launched the year-long Meanwood Valley Bioblitz at an event at Meanwood Valley Urban farm on 25th September 2022. Around 20 people (plus dogs) attended. After a presentation about the project and subsequent discussion attendees downloaded the app and started mapping the wildlife. There was also coffee and cake thanks to The Barn cafe! At the end of the day we had a fantastic 66 observations of 35 species - what a great start! If anyone needs (or wants to offer!) any further help please just drop me a message either through iNaturalist or by email: Good luck with your observations.

Publicado el 27 de septiembre de 2022 a las 08:04 AM por clunym clunym


PS I mentioned at the launch that it is also possible to upload sound files (particularly to help identify and log bird song). However looking at the guides on iNaturalist it appears that you can upload sounds (mp3, or m4a formats) directly on the website or through the Android app. However, iOS app (iPhones etc) does not currently support sound uploads.

Anotado por clunym hace cerca de 2 años

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