Sea Slug Census #15 Kicks off Friday 20 January - Sunday 29 January

Participating is as easy as joining the project here finding and photographing as many sea slugs as you can!
Please note Sea Slugs is not a taxonomic classification - it just makes it easier for non experts to get involved i.e. if it looks like a slug and smells like a slug? it may or may not be a slug, but take a photo and submit it anyway!

There are awesome sluggy prizes up for grabs and it is a fun excuse to get out and about during the cooler months.

Also please join and add your images to the Victorian Nudibranchs iNaturalist page

For more info on Sea Slug Census' across the country check in here
For more information on Nudibranchs in Victoria check out here

Happy Slug hunting

Publicado el 05 de enero de 2023 a las 11:10 PM por kade kade


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