Japanese Stiltgrass

Hi all,
again another great push of observations! Thank you.

I am noticing that folks are recording observations of Japanese stiltgrass. I am not sure how familiar folks are with this species or the other invasive grasses that may be found in the area (there are many). To my knowledge Japanese stiltgrass has not been identified in Vermont. Which means, any observation of Japanese stiltgrass that does turn out to be accurate is a big deal. Please be sure to take a photograph of the specific features you used to identify the grass as Japanese stiltgrass and not another densely growing grass like reed canary grass.

A few quick identifying features for Japanese stiltgrass (that I have never personally seen):

  1. It often has a band of white/silvery hairs down the center of the leaf blade, along the midvein.
  2. It is really easy to pull out.
  3. The leaf blades are often asymmetrical with the distance from the midvein of the blade larger on one side to the other.

Here is the link to gobotany's account of Japanese stiltgrass: https://gobotany.newenglandwild.org/species/microstegium/vimineum/

Here is the link for reed canary grass: https://gobotany.newenglandwild.org/species/phalaris/arundinacea/

Publicado el 19 de octubre de 2014 a las 02:27 PM por kothomps kothomps


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