
... to everybody who participated, even if you did not know it, and of the 109 observers likely half had no idea a bioblitz was going on. Congratulations to everybody for your work and interest in the biology of our region. Our area gets short shrift and little respect from those in East Texas or on the Coast, or even in the Trans-Pecos, and that is unfair; we have a lot to see and appreciate here. Not all cotton and mesquites. NOT that there is anything wrong with cotton or mesquites.

This project will continue to collect observations made within its area and time frame, so check back from time to time. And the process of identifying the observations made continues. Less than 60% of the observations here have a confirmed identification, and I know that of my observations, many IDs are shaky or just plain wrong and I need to go back over them. There will be changes.

The bioblitz has been a success and I hope we can all work together on another and find even more species!

Publicado el 07 de mayo de 2020 a las 08:28 PM por thebark thebark


Barry, you did a fabulous job organizing and managing this. I tip my hat to you! Thank you so much for rallying the group and getting folks outside.

Anotado por amzapp hace mas de 4 años

Barry, thank you so much for developing the idea of this project and taking care of its whole logistics. It was my first bioblitz and not only did I have a lot of fun but I also learned a lot. I feel I only observed a tiny fraction of all living organisms I encountered. The fragile ecosystem that surrounds us is not luxuriant but it has this incredible beauty and diversity that require some time and attention to be revealed to the untrained eyes.

Anotado por catherine_g hace mas de 4 años

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