Introducing Badges!

Hello, everyone! I thought that objective-based activities would be both fun and helpful for getting people more into iNaturalist, so I am introducing badges! So far, badges are split into 3 categories (Task, Event, and Taxa), and each badge has 3 levels - Level 1 is the lowest level, represented by a brown background, Level 2 is the middle level, represented by a beige background, and Level 3 is the highest level, represented by a green background.

There are no hard guidelines on how to use badges you earn, its up to you. Once you earn a badge by meeting the minimum requirement, you can do whatever you want with it: reposting it on your profile, saving it and editing it, printing it, just listing "[badge] level [x]" on your profile, nothing at all, whatever you want. You don't need anyone to verify that you deserve the badge, you can just claim it once you know you earned it. Whether you want to line up all the levels, or only display the highest level you've earned, it's your call. As long as you're having fun reaching goals.

More badges will probably be added with time. I am open to any suggestions!

I also want to announce that a scavenger hunt is currently in the works, and I'm shooting for putting it out in September! There will be special badges for it!

To add badges to your profile page or a journal post, use this html:

<img src="insert image url here">

You can see a comprehensive list of html tutorials for inaturalist here. I'll also put the code under each badge for easy copy/paste

Task Badges

These badges are based off of your iNaturalist activity.

Astute Observer

Level 1: Have 10 observations
<img src="">
Level 2: Have 50 observations
<img src="">
Level 3: Have 500 observations
<img src="">

On Fire

To calculate this, use this site! Input your username, and it will tell you what your longest consecutive streaks of using iNaturalist every day are.

Level 1: Have a 7 day streak
<img src="">
Level 2: Have a 30 day streak
<img src="">
Level 3: Have a 90 day streak
<img src="">

Event Badges

First Scavenger Hunt

List Checker

Level 1: Get 10 items off of the list
<img src="">
Level 2: Get 18 items off of the list
<img src="">
Level 3: Complete the entire list
<img src="">

Time Master

Level 1: Complete the entire list on or before November 1, 2019
<img src="">
Level 2: Complete the entire list on or before October 16, 2019
<img src="">
Level 3: Complete the entire list on or before October 1, 2019
<img src="">

Taxa Badges

You can see a list of species you've observed using this url, edited for your username:[your username here]

Amphibians Abound

Level 1: Have observed 3 different species of amphibian
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 10 different species of amphibian
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 20 different species of amphibian
<img src="">

Arachnid Admirer

Level 1: Have observed 5 different species of arachnid
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 20 different species of arachnid
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 50 different species of arachnid
<img src="">

Bird Nerd

Level 1: Have observed 10 different species of bird
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 50 different species of bird
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 100 different species of bird
<img src="">

Fish Friend

Level 1: Have observed 3 different species of ray-finned fish
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 15 different species of ray-finned fish
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 45 different species of ray-finned fish
<img src="">

Fun with Fungi

Level 1: Have observed 5 different species of fungi including lichens
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 10 different species of fungi including lichens
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 40 different species of fungi including lichens
<img src="">

Insect Interest

Level 1: Have observed 10 different species of insect
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 50 different species of insect
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 120 different species of insect
<img src="">

Mammal Master

Level 1: Have observed 5 different species of mammal
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 15 different species of mammal
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 30 different species of mammal
<img src="">

Shell Seeker

Level 1: Have observed 5 different species of mollusk
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 15 different species of mollusk
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 40 different species of mollusk
<img src="">

Flora Explorer

Level 1: Have observed 10 different species of plant
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 40 different species of plant
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 100 different species of plant
<img src="">

Lizard Wizard

Level 1: Have observed 5 different species of reptile
<img src="">
Level 2: Have observed 15 different species of reptile
<img src="">
Level 3: Have observed 45 different species of reptile
<img src="">

Publicado el 27 de agosto de 2019 a las 11:47 PM por buggybuddy buggybuddy


got all my badges i qualify for added on my page :)

Anotado por buggybuddy hace casi 5 años

@kuchipatchis How do I add them to my page like you did?

Anotado por madisong hace casi 5 años

hopefully this shows correctly:
< img src="(paste the image URL here)">
just delete the space between < and img. i needed to put that there or else it would try to post an image instead of the html. let me know if you need any more help

Anotado por buggybuddy hace casi 5 años

oh ok so html!! thank you

Anotado por madisong hace casi 5 años

these can also probably be put in a journal post i think

Anotado por buggybuddy hace casi 5 años

added html coding for every badge!

Anotado por buggybuddy hace casi 5 años

omg hi @kiwifergus im flattered.... im not sure why they wouldnt work, though, unless theres an html problem?

Anotado por buggybuddy hace mas de 3 años

august 2019, not sure what updates have happened since

Anotado por buggybuddy hace mas de 3 años

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