The white sand beaches of Carcass Beach are deceiving for it is not sand but rather the ground up bones of birds and fish that lend the beach its color. Located on the southern coast of California’s Salton Sea, Carcass Beach is known for being covered in, well, carcasses. The sand is dotted with the bones of ill-fated fish and birds.

Publicado el 19 de diciembre de 2018 a las 08:30 PM por biohexx1 biohexx1


It's a shame whoever writes the articles on that website for "landmarks" at the south end of the sea is very uninformed. A little research could go a long way.

Anotado por matthew_salkiewicz hace casi 6 años

Yes, or a trip out.

Anotado por biohexx1 hace casi 6 años

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