McCarrs Creek Reserve Night Bioblitz

Pittwater Natural Heritage Association (PNHA) is organising a night bioblitz at McCarrs Creek Reserve (Northern Beaches).

McCarrs Creek Reserve foreshore - what's there at night? Bring a torch and join us to see what invertebrates come to a light sheet and to nearby shrubs.

When? 7.30 Saturday November 25, until about 8.30-9pm.

We'll be photographing moths, beetles,spiders and other nocturnal creatures using iNaturalist for the Great Southern Bioblitz 2023 project. Watch for the orange PNHA banner opposite the hard-to-see turn into the reserve on McCarrs Creek Rd, near Church Point.

More info email:
About Pittwater Natural Heritage Association:

Publicado el 21 de noviembre de 2023 a las 08:16 PM por xanthosia xanthosia


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