Getting Ready

The deadline for registration of your city or region is 1 July 2021.

If you have registered, and your city is not in the umbrella, please add a comment below.

If you have not registered, why not get together some friends, register, and start planning?
Note that this is not a competition. This is about getting people out into nature and helping conserve our biodiversity. A bioblitz focusses on getting people into nature, into see and recording that nature. A specific bioblitz focuses on a region (a plot, a reserve, or a district) or a group (e.g. butterflies, bees, dung beetles, trees, orchids, etc.) in an intense hour-weekend level survey, ideally by having the local specialists and experts on hand to help members of the public explore these.

So dont feel that you have to get 1000 observations or 200 species (or whatever). The focus is on having fun while surveying and monitoring our biodiversity.


Publicado el 13 de mayo de 2021 a las 09:29 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Tony, what do you need from us to register? This will be for NMBM...

Anotado por adriaan_grobler hace mas de 3 años

Hi Tony
Please could you add our project for NMB to the umbrella project?

Anotado por adriaan_grobler hace cerca de 3 años

Done - thanks.

We are hoping still to get the following areas, to take part: keeping our fingers crossed.
Northern Botswana

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace cerca de 3 años

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