New look to the project

If you check out our Flora and Fauna project page you will notice a change in the look, I've converted the traditional project to a collection type project, where all your observations in Ellis and Navarro counties in Texas will automatically be added to the project, you won't have to manually add them any more. I hope you like the new format, it has a lot more information easily available to you and we can still download all the observations for our study.

Publicado el 24 de agosto de 2018 a las 02:50 PM por cgritz cgritz


Well it looks great, but I am curious as to why only 419 of my observations are included. I think the majority of my id's were part of the project, and that number seems a bit low to me.


Anotado por mertmack1 hace casi 6 años

It has to do with the GPS accuracy and/or the size of the accuracy circle that comes up when the location is entered. Here's some info from iNat: . Also depends on if the location is private or obscured.

Anotado por cgritz hace casi 6 años

And I just updated the boundary box to Ellis County, TX and Navarro County, TX from the original boundary I set. It looks like you've got 1,486 observations in the project.

Anotado por cgritz hace casi 6 años

I think a lot of my observations were obscured. Thanks for fixing.

Anotado por mertmack1 hace casi 6 años

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