Hello to all our members for the Flora and Fauna of Ellis and Navarro counties, Texas!

I'm considering dropping this traditional project in favor of the new collection project. To that end, I've set up a companion collection project for Ellis and Navarro Counties, https://www.inaturalist.org/projects/indian-trail-flora-and-fauna-project

Please check it out and click the "follow" button on the page to receive updates in the News section. It should show up in your project list then, too.

The advantage of a collection project is that it automatically collects all the observations that meet the project rules. Traditional projects like this one (Flora and Fauna of Ellis and Navarro counties, Texas) don't, and all observations must be added either by the observer or one at a time by someone else. And we've had a huge influx of observations in our two counties! Great news! But so much so, that currently I'm about 2,250 observations behind in adding the new ones in. Unfortunately this can't be done all at once, but just one at a time.

So, please compare the two projects, this one and the new one and let me know what you think. Do you like the new look, the ease of going through the observations, the species list, the stats, etc. Or do you like this older style better? And if you do, please tell me why.

Thanks, I'm looking forward to your input.

cgritz on iNat

Publicado el 19 de junio de 2018 a las 06:03 PM por cgritz cgritz


I really like this format! Great job.

Anotado por fiddleman hace mas de 6 años

I'm with Jack. Like the new format. Very easy to use. Especially like that the observation would be added automatically. Thanks Carolyn.

Anotado por mertmack1 hace mas de 6 años

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