Celebration: 1000 Crab Species for "Crabs of the World!"

Congratulations and thank you to the 337 members of “Crabs of the World,” for documenting one thousand species of crabs around the world! We have met my original goal, and now aim for 1,500.

In this post, I’d also like to share a few links. Here are @mikegigliotti’s helpful notes on online crab resources, crab anatomy, and how to photograph a crab:

And here are some fascinating “firsts” for iNaturalist, followed by some rare and/or spectacular crabs.

a crab that only lives in one waterfall found by @chalita in Thailand:

a new crab for iNaturalist found by @mako252 in the Gulf of Mexico:

another new crab for iNaturalist found by @flaviomendez in Brazil:

another first for iNaturalist found by @v_s_ in The Netherlands:

and another first for iNaturalist found by @coenobita in Australia:

a rare crab found by @kinmatsu in the Bako N.P., Sarawak, Malaysia:

a rare Hairy Red Hermit Crab found by @tonydiver in Australia:

an amazing Elegant Squat Lobster found in The Philippines, by @maractwin:

a beautiful crab found by @marceloandrsrojasgonzlez in Chile:

funny crabs, all lined up, found by @wkcheng71 in Hong Kong:

a great photo of Goniopsis pulchra found by @gernotkunz in Costa Rica:

and my own sighting of Carcinus meanas, invasive in the Salish Sea:

Publicado el 24 de septiembre de 2018 a las 01:31 AM por wendy5 wendy5


GREAT. congratulations to all of us here.

Anotado por sarka hace cerca de 6 años

Thank you, @sarka! It has been amazing seeing so many species from the entire world!

Anotado por wendy5 hace cerca de 6 años


Anotado por whaichi hace cerca de 6 años

Thanks, @whaichi! Look forward to many more of your crab observations!

Anotado por wendy5 hace cerca de 6 años

Excelente!!! fascinado con aportar con una foto desde Chile!!!

Anotado por marceloandrsrojas... hace cerca de 6 años

¡Gracias, Marcelo! Me encanta tu cangrejo chileno.

Anotado por wendy5 hace cerca de 6 años

"a rare crab found by @kinmatsu in Indonesia"
I found it in the Bako N.P., Sarawak, Malaysia.

Anotado por kinmatsu hace casi 6 años

Thank you, @kinmatsu, I've made this correction.

Anotado por wendy5 hace casi 6 años

And here is a nice hermit crab in Florida that is new to iNat. I observed it almost a year ago, but did not manage to ID it until today:


Anotado por susanhewitt hace casi 6 años

You are such a tenacious and dedicated naturalist, Susan, congratulations!

Anotado por wendy5 hace casi 6 años

Thanks Wendy. I don't know much about arthropods, but I work hard and long at squeezing and rattling the google search function until the piece of info or photo that I need pops out!

Anotado por susanhewitt hace casi 6 años

Wow, so much lovely crabbies ! Congratulations to everybody !

Anotado por julien-brdl hace casi 6 años

Merci beaucoup, @polistesfuscatus! Your contributions to the project are wonderful.

Anotado por wendy5 hace casi 6 años

De rien, you're very welcome ! I am really happy to be part of this. I still have several northern australian crabs to put there, I hope they'll be nice additions !

Anotado por julien-brdl hace casi 6 años

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