The Fight to Save Liberty Hill

Liberty Hill Camas Bluff holds the most precious habitat in Columbia County. By far the largest stretch of camas meadow we have, it supports a unique range of flowers and is the best habitat for several reptile species that can hardly be found anywhere else in the county. The area has held a special place in my heart for several years.

You can view many gorgeous pictures of Liberty Hill at the Friends of Liberty Hill website:

Unfortunately, Liberty Hill's continued existence is in danger. A basalt mining company has leased the land and plans to turn it into a open pit mine. There is little hope that the plants and animals who call Liberty Hill home would survive that process.

Friends of Liberty Hill was founded along the principle that there are other places to mine basalt, but there are no other camas flower meadows of this extent left in our county. They are hoping to spread the word about what is happening and work to find a solution so that Liberty Hill Camas Bluff can survive.

Two weeks ago Matt (the other half of our team) was able to give a presentation to Friends of Liberty Hill on the reptile and amphibian species that are known from the meadow and its surrounding forest and wetlands. The group's next meeting will be on November 20th, most likely in Scappoose, and all members of the Columbia County Reptiles and Amphibians group are welcome to attend (and please tell your friends).

For more information, you can visit their Facebook page at or their main website shared above.

I believe that habitat protection is our #1 most important priority if we want to conserve our native wildlife, and Liberty Hill Camas Bluff is the most important small block of habitat in all of Columbia County. I'll be doing everything I can to make a difference so that this beautiful remnant of our heritage can survive.

Publicado el 02 de octubre de 2019 a las 07:21 PM por jonhakim jonhakim


I can see why you love it! A very special place by the look of it and worthy of protection, yes!

Anotado por charlespaxton hace casi 5 años

I love this bluff, a very rare spot for our area. The diversity of species found on Liberty Hill speaks to the uniqueness this island of habitat represents. It would be a travesty to see it disappear.

Anotado por mattyd112 hace mas de 4 años

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