It is a very close race in this year's CNC and we need to press on with all that we have.

We are almost at the finish line and what a challenge it has turned out to be. As of May 02, 2024 the top three Canadian cities are: Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary. The Vancouver MVRD is ranked 40th globally with 13,170 observations. A close second is Montreal ranked 41st globally with 13,144 observations. That is only a difference of 26 observations (or a difference of 0.1%).
The third Canadian city is Calgary but is just under 2,000 observations behind so it looks like a race for the top spot in Canada for 2024 is between Vancouver and Montreal.
If Vancouver does end up in top spot, it will be for the first time in the 9-year history of the City Nature Challenge. With our observation count being what it is, this will be a new Canadian record so well done everyone.
In summary the CNC is not over yet and we need to continue to focus on getting every observation in we can. The lead between Vancouver and Montreal can change very quickly. If all of yours are in, talk to your friends and relatives. Every observation through out the Vancouver MVRD from April 26 through to April 29th will count.

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2024 a las 12:37 AM por northvandad northvandad


In the course of supporting one ID of a plant, I noticed a fly on a leaf and suggested that the member create a separate observation for it. Doing this systematically before the uploading deadline could help us get the most of our observational effort and possibly give us an edge.

Anotado por alanyoshioka hace cerca de 2 meses

You have a fair and good point. I have done this with some of my observations. If there is more than one taxa you should make copies and if helpful add comments in the notes.
Thank you for sharing this point.

Anotado por northvandad hace cerca de 2 meses

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