Nature Vancouver City Challenge 2024 walks

Nature Vancouver walks for the City Nature Challenge 2024 here in the Vancouver regional district are listed below. Note: attendees can come and go at their leisure but the official walks start at 9:00am and generally run till 12:00 or 13:00

April 26th Iona Beach - This is near the airport but a fantastic place for birds, plants and other taxa. Always a high result area and it has easy walkways. Start near the washrooms in the parking lot.
April 27th Burnaby Lake - Great starting spot at Pipers spit (near the office and washrooms) for ducks, shorebirds and songbirds. From there we can take easy walking trails that have a variety of plants, butterflies and even the odd amphibian.
April 28th Colony Farms - Great for songbirds, some accipiter's and flowering plants. Easy trail system to walk. Start at the public garden plots where the washrooms are.
April 29th Maplewood Flats - Great for migratory birds, songbirds and the odd mammal. Again an easy trail system. Start at Wild Bird Trust sitting area adjacent to their office.

All walks will be listed on the Nature Vancouver web site as well in the calendar of events area.
Thank you

Publicado el 10 de marzo de 2024 a las 02:48 AM por northvandad northvandad


NorthVanDad, can you please share what are the requirements to sponsor a "Walk"!

Zaida, False Creek Friends

Anotado por zaide hace 4 meses

There is some latitude on this. The following are just my opinions.
Any person or group can just decide to go out in the MVRD area (in this case) and make observations and upload them into iNaturalist. As long as the location falls within the MVRD map boundary and the dates of this challenge, they will count in the City Nature Challenge for the MVRD.
Anyone can execute this more formally and create their own collection projects or run their own bioblitz if they wish.
There is no real registration per se just some enthusiasm and commitment required to make observations within the date and area of this project.
That said, if there is a group event, the organizers will need to advertise it, and may need to deal with any of their own requirements such as liability signoff.
There are no fees or charges involved and this is normally supported by a compliment of volunteers hopefully how know the area for the event or have been there before. The project itself is hosted by iNaturalist so no one needs to do anything other than upload observational data.
There is the option to extract results from inaturalist if anyone is interested in this benefit so knowing iNaturalist in order to submit requests using its filter capability would be an asset.
In the end, each participant or organization is free to decide how to approach this.
That's my overview and I hope it answers your question.
If you need to follow-up we can talk directly.

Anotado por northvandad hace 4 meses

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