Search Where you Are!

In these busy times, people may be working, or at school. So, how to be involved in the City Nature Challenge? Search where you are! Download a pdf hints and tips for searching for nature around your home!
or the Fungi pdf is another great download!

The birds are coming back! Which ones will you discover? It is a great way to monitor the songbird population! Will you see or hear meadowlarks, Robins, Blue Jays, Black Capped Chickadees doing their two note spring territory call? What about insects? Remember what Greg says; "Bugs rule the numbers game! " Flies, butterflies, Boxelder bugs, ladybugs (lady betles), cocoons, ants may catch your eye. Remember to leave no stone unturned! Look on top of branches and stones for lichens, conks, or shelf fungi. Peek into the bark of trees, or into the cracks of fences, never know what may be found!

And have a lot of fun! Discover nature in a greenspace, or in your yard, along your sidewalk, in the afforestation areas, in the swales of Saskatoon, along the River Bank!

Saskatoon and Area City Nature Challenge

Publicado el 19 de abril de 2023 a las 06:33 PM por saskatoonafforestationareas saskatoonafforestationareas


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