We are in the home stretch!

We are just blown away but the incredible efforts of Surrey's iNaturalist community and supporting identifiers to help verify all 2,591 observations! We have until midnight tonight to add any additional observations taken from April 24-27. Ideally all of our observations should be classified to at least Order or Family. Research grade for all submissions would be sweet but that is a Herculean task, especially with some of the less familiar plants (e.g. mosses).

Key goals for today:
Classify any remaining "unknown" species (a recent search suggests this has been done - AWESOME!)
If you are looking to refine your ID's, or help ID another observer's submission feel free to do so. Some tips to helping are to look at the range maps for a species when you bring it down to the genus (and especially) the species level. That can help you determine if you are on the right track (is it actually found here in southwest BC, or in Metro Vancouver?). Click on the organism's page info (or use the species search bar in the upper right of most pages in iNaturalist) to look at its info (photo gallery, range map, nearby sightings etc.). You can click on other local observations on the range map to see if a similar species from the family or genus you think it is has been identified, and if it was brought to Research Grade.

We will be getting the international results back from the CNC folks in California tomorrow, so stay tuned.

And remember to give yourself a pat on the back for a job well done!

Publicado el 03 de mayo de 2020 a las 05:11 PM por surrey-bc_biodiversity surrey-bc_biodiversity


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