How well are you doing? Have you got your targets yet? You should be about 70-80% of the way now - the last 10% will take all of Monday to get: so time to get at it!

Rain forecast by some, but it wont be more than a splattering in the evening: but perhaps it will get going soon.

Dont forget to look for signs: my Golden Moles started pushing on Saturday: photograph their runnels as evidence.

How to evaluate your progress.

This is mine: it looks complicated but dont worry: just click to open it and then follow instructions:

OK what is this:
It is the compare tool and I am comparing the two filters in the two lines on top.
That gives me two lists - shown in taxonomical order (i.e. frogs, reptiles, birds, mammals, plants etc.)
*** The top line is the filter for my list so far:
notice it gives me the project (city nature challenge) and my name - substitute your iNat name in its place to see your list.
*** The second line is your target list - you probably dont have one: if you do, just put it in here.
If not: let us create one.
open a new tab and inaturalist (mouse-wheel-click on the iNaturalist name on the top menu bar, and click on the new tab that just opened)
Go to the menu bar
cick explore
chose the map tab.
click the eye (Find your location)
click the + and - buttons to zoom in or out
When you have your suburb (or bigger if lots of observations) on the map,
click the orange "Redo search in Map" button.
Let us be a little more sophisticated, and

Go back to your "Compare" tool tab and in the second line (Titled: Autumn Garden) paste the url (Ctrl-P)
if you copied the "?" then remove it it should start "month ..." - if you copied the entire URL, then delete from "http" until the "?"
hit ENTER (or click anywhere else on the page).
Give iNaturalist a few seconds to compile your filters and compare the lists and you are done.
The first column contains the species that you have seen.
the second column contains those that you have dipped out on for the city nature challenge.
Look for the easy species, work out where in your garden/bacony/home these are likely to be (and the time of day best for them) and get to it
Come: on - get our there - we have lots more still to record!!

[[the list may be ridiculous: those species dotn occur in gardens!! and the following filter to the second filter bar:
if you dont have a garden, then rather use

For instance: i get:

Also today: do lichens, under pot plants and inside your compost heap. Also do Ants. Today will probably be better to pollinators, so go stake out your flowerring plants - those with the most activity: remember it will take about 5 minutes after you arrive and dont move around before you are accepted and activity will return to normal

Tomorrow (after the rains) will be better for under logs and stones. And mopping up.
Now is better for insects: the south easter (or north wester, depending on when this front will actually arrive) will reduce insect activity and blow things around, making photography difficult.

Publicado el 26 de abril de 2020 a las 10:06 AM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


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