Bioblitz Bingo

During the CIty Nature Challenge, how about a little Bingo??
it is simple: fill a row or column of species by posting them on iNaturalist. When you have a completed a row or column on iNaturalist, just tag your kingpiece observation with "Bingo".
Have fun!!

Download it here:

BINGOers here - where are you?:

Publicado el 22 de abril de 2020 a las 04:13 PM por tonyrebelo tonyrebelo


Results of Bioblitz Bingo

Tallies of species

129 - 169 - 275 - ..4 - 125
.76 - .80 - .86 - 249 - .40
...1 - 135 - Free - 100 - ..3
...4 - .51 - 146 - .21 - 115
267 - .10 - .90 - .89 - 323

So Mosquito (why?? - did no one get bitten?), Bread Mould (why? - food shortage under lockdown?), Mongoose, Striped Mouse, Dune Molerat and House Fly (!!) proved the most difficult to get.
Rows 2 and 5 should have been easy, as well as columns 2 and 3.
(Note: for House Fly we accepted any Musca species, and for Sugarant - any species of Lepisiota or Camponotus, and for Wild Dagga any Leonotis species. Any Pin Mould was accepted for Bread Mould - but not Penicillin Moulds).

Row 1: Bietou, Sparrow, Honey Bee, Mongoose, Chameleon :: none (max 4 species)
Row 2: Rock Pigeon, Millipede, Squirrel, Cape Honeysuckle, House Fly :: none (max 4 species)
Row 3: Mosquito, Wild Dagga, anything, Redwing Starling, Bread Mould :: none (max 3 species - despite free)
Row 4: Striped Mouse, Cabbage White, Plumbago, Rainspider, Hadedah :: none (max 3 species)
Row 5: Marble Leaftoe Gecko, Dune Molerat, Cape Robin-Chat, Sugarant, Spekboom
• BINGO: @elle_hutchings Apr 27, 2020 2:54 PM SAST - CALLED on Sugarant

Column 1: Bietou, Rock Pigeon, Mosquito, Field Mouse, Marble Leaftoe Gecko :: None (max 4 species)
Column 2: Cape Sparrow, Millipede, Wild Dagga, Cabbage White, Dune Molerat
• BINGO: @charmaineoxtoby Apr 26, 2020 11:10 AM SAST - Not called
Column 3: Honey Bee, Squirrel, anything, Plumbago, Cape Robin-Chat
• BINGO: @philippa5000 Apr 24, 2020 5:07 PM SAST - Not called
• BINGO: @hamishrobertson Apr 25, 2020 10:00 AM SAST - Not called
• BINGO: @carinalochner Apr 26, 2020 12:22 PM SAST - Not called
• BINGO: @greenwoods6 Apr 27, 2020 10:34 AM SAST - Not called
Column 4: Mongoose, Cape Honeysuckle, Redwing Starling, Rainspider, Sugarant :: None (max 6 species but three sugarants and no Mongoose)
Column 5:Dwarf Chameleon, House Fly, Bread Mould, Hadedah, Spekboom :: none (max 2 species)

Two Bingos called:
@elle_hutchings on Cape Sparrow (missing 2 on row and 2 on column): Rejected.
@elle_hutchings on Sugarant - BINGO!!

Anotado por tonyrebelo hace cerca de 4 años

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