
Animalia Chordata Vertebrata Reptilia Squamata Sauria Chamaeleonidae Rieppeleon Rieppeleon kerstenii

Taxonomic notes: Accepted as Rieppeleon kerstenii Tilbury (2010).


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Geographic Range

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The map does not currently reflect the range of this species

Anotado por colin_tilbury hace casi 11 años

As far as I am aware the sub-species robecchii (recognised from Somalia and probably eastern Ethiopia has not been synonymised with the nominate form.

Anotado por colin_tilbury hace casi 11 años

Yes the map is misleading from the information in the text. In Kenya it occurs from the coast through eastern to northern dryland areas.

Anotado por malonza hace cerca de 10 años
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Not sure if crepuscular accurately describes this species. I am quite sure it is active during the day...

Anotado por colin_tilbury hace casi 11 años

Yes the species is active only during the day.

Anotado por malonza hace cerca de 10 años
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In Kenya the species is quite common.

Anotado por malonza hace cerca de 10 años
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Use Trade

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As no Rieppeleon species is listed on CITES, annual CITES export quotas and CITES trade data for this species is lacking. While shipments of pygmy chameleons labeled as R. kerstenii are frequent, this shipments typically contain R. brevicaudatus and R. temporalis, not R. kerstenii. Rieppeleon kerstenii is known to be traded occasionally (one to two shipments every 3-4 years) and in limited to moderate quantities.

Anotado por cvanderson hace casi 11 años

No trade in this species in Kenya

Anotado por malonza hace cerca de 10 años
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No threat and its adaptable

Anotado por malonza hace cerca de 10 años
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Specific Threats


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    Conservation Actions

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    Specific Actions


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      Red List Rationale

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      Least Concern

      Anotado por malonza hace cerca de 10 años
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      • (no citation available)


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