Lunar New Year

We started this year with heavy precipitation. Some places in California experienced severe weather events these past few weeks, so we hope that you are all well and safe!

Congratulations on another amazing year! It is now January 2023, almost 2 full years since the launch of the 2020 Fire Followers! Here is what we have accomplished together since:

California Fire Followers 2020

California Fire Followers 2021

We look forward to a new year with amazing opportunities for learning and discovering.

The Lunar New Year is fast approaching! Join us in celebrating the Lunar New Year with an identification challenge. Rabbits are thought to be vigilant, quick-witted and ingenious, so let’s bring that energy to the ~42k observations that need ID!

Starting Sunday 1/22, we encourage everyone to participate in identifying the observations on our California Fire Followers projects! We want everyone to have an opportunity to win, so anyone with 22 identifications by the of first Sunday of Feb 5 will be entered in a drawing for a Fire Followers shirt/pins!

Also, check out what is happening with our CA OakWatch Project!

If you have not heard of the project already, I invite you to join and help us reach our goal to protect young oaks by collecting data and mapping where they are and are not!

Consider joining us for the one-hour event, "For the love of oaks", an identification party to help the iNaturalist California OakWatch project get as many Quercus observations to Research Grade as possible. This event is co-hosted by California Native Plant Society, the Global Conservation Consortium for Oak (GCCO), and San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance.

We will have a panel of experts to facilitate the conversation and we can work collaboratively to help identify any tricky observations. This online event is open to identifiers of all experience levels. We will have a live raffle throughout this event so everyone participating will have a chance to win an oak t-shirt and a California OakWatch Pin!

Publicado el 19 de enero de 2023 a las 08:56 PM por jaesparza11 jaesparza11


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