CA Fire Followers Letter of Gratitude:


Let’s take a moment to reflect and write about something you’re thankful for. As the 2021 year comes near its end, we wanted to show our immense gratitude for how far the project has come. Thank you all for your support and participation and I am excited to see what will continue to come this upcoming year!

To date, our Fire Followers Project has received approximately 60,000 observations and close to 10k individuals involved throughout California. In the last 8 months, it has been great to see this project grow into a strong, well-supported project. Thanks to the Seaver Institute for making this all possible.

We are especially thankful to some of our partner organizations who have been doing a tremendous job contributing to the project. Also important to note their effort to further expand our mutual goals to activate and educate volunteers on ephemeral fire following plants through community science.

Sonoma Ecology Center
Save Mount Diablo
Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History

Thank you for all the support so far and an especial thanks to @dlevitis, @sierraazul, @apatten and @dcastro01 for leading some amazing events so far. Thanks to the Sonoma Ecology Center and @dlevitis for contributing to the 16,000 observations in the Glass Fire project at approximately 67% RG! Additionally, @sierraazul and @aapatten have been pivotal to the ~5k observations in the CZU Lightning Complex project with the myriad of events held by the Santa Cruz Museum of Natural History, including guided tours, trainings/workshops and Rare Plant Treasure Hunts. Lastly, @dcastro01 did an amazing job preparing the Save Mount Diablo Bioblitz focused on the SCU Lightning Complex bringing a total of 2,529 observations and 110 observers participated which accounted for over half of the observations at the time.

First off, thank you all for contributing to this project. We have had people involved with the project through the observations, identifications, and even through outreach and sharing the project. It has been amazing so far being able to connect with a lot of people here on iNaturalist and learning so much in the process. Thank you all for participating in our Fire Followers Challenges so far and if you’ve won any of the challenges, I hope that you’ve enjoyed the Fire Followers’ merch!

Special shout out to our top contributors!

Top Identifiers

Top Observers

Publicado el 24 de noviembre de 2021 a las 08:56 PM por jaesparza11 jaesparza11


Thank you Jose! I've been really impressed by the project, and all the amazing finds. I'm eager to see what comes back the second year after the fire.

We'll be hosting another large iNat event in the Glass Fire footprint in January of 2022. I'll be posting details soon.

Anotado por dlevitis hace casi 3 años

Thanks Jose! It has been fun to get involved with the project and it has broadened my understanding of how our landscape responds to fire.

Anotado por rupertclayton hace casi 3 años

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