Spogostylum incisurale (Macquart, 1840)

Spogostylum spp are dull sandy coloured or greyish-brownish due to a mix of black and white hair and white and yellowish scales.

Wings hyaline or with indistinct yellow-brown tinge; with three (rarely two) blackish spots ( brownish in middle of first basal cell, on middle cross vein region and at base of fourth posterior cell respectively, often also with a less conspicuous or very faint infusion at base of third posterior cell, sometimes even with an obscure spot at base of first basal cell and another very faint one at base of upper cubital branch)
Origin of second longitudinal vein just opposite to the discal cross-vein; base of second vein and of upper cubital branch always provided with long stumps.
Scutellum brownish, with white margings.
Abdomen with narrow or less distinct yellow hind border on segments. Tufts of hairs on sides of abdomen alternating pale and dark.

Description by Loew (Anthrax mixtus):

Wing illustrated in Loew, fig 16:

Description by Hesse 1965 (Argyramoeba incisuralis):

Original description:
Plate 20, fig. 4: https://www.biodiversitylibrary.org/item/54217#page/225/mode/1up

Hosts: Most records for Spogostylum spp are as parasitoids of solitary bees and wasps nesting in soil, egg pods of Acrididae and their predators, and pupae of Lepidoptera and their parasitoids in soil. S. incisurale has been eared in South Africa from pupae of Loxostege frustalis and cocoons of its braconid parasitoid wasp Macrocentrus maraisi.

Distribution: Southern and eastern Africa as far north as Uganda (and further north). This is one of the most common species in South Africa, Namibia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.

iNat observation:

Publicado el 27 de enero de 2024 a las 08:04 AM por traianbertau traianbertau


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