5th Anacostia River Bioblitz Official Results Are In

These are the final results of our 5th #anacostiabioblitz (this past Sept. 16-19). We had a record number of participants, both iNaturalist.org app users, and people that attended our events. Participants observed a record number of species for the following groups of organisms: reptiles, fish, mollusks, arachnids, and insects.

Some notable observations:

-Bald eagles, wild turkey and a scarlet tanager.
-During the fish surveys we observed many young shad including both Alewife and American shad (a great sign for these species in the river), and a longnose gar!
-The honey bee was the most observed insect during the weekend.
-Marsh fleabanes in bloom.
-A bioluminescent mushroom!

See our Facebook post: https://www.facebook.com/anacostiaws/photos/a.370260228820/10158709407133821/

Are you an avid naturalist or an experienced iNaturalist user or curator in the area? Want to be part of the #Anacostiabioblitz in 2022? PM me at jmontero@anacostiaws.org


Jorge Bogantes Montero
Anacostia Watershed Society

Publicado el 29 de septiembre de 2021 a las 12:30 PM por jorbogmont jorbogmont


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