The 2018 Bioblitz Results (may change in the next few days a little bit)

Despite the weather, we had a great event on Saturday and overall a great bioblitz! We had a lot of kids/families which is great! I would like to thank you all on behalf of AWS for your support. Thank you all so much! Here are some figures:

101 people attended the Saturday event at KAG (our goal was 100!)
1,027 observations
454 species
Birds: 27 species
Amphibians: 4 species
Reptiles: 2 species
Mammals: 6 species
Fish: 7 species
Mollusks: 3 species
Spiders: 10 species
Insects: 112 species
Plants: 244 species
Slime molds: 1 species (the Dog vomit slime mold)
Mushrooms: 30 species (it's been a great year for mushrooms!)
68 observers and 119 identifiers (once again the virtual participation has been greater).
Here's some selected observations from the weekend:

Differential grasshopper:
Chicken of the woods:
Brown bullhead:
The painted turtle hatchling:
Gray Tree frog:
Great blue heron:
Yellow garden spider:
American groundnut:
Dog vomit slime mold:
The cumulative numbers for the Biodiversity of the Anacostia River project (an iNaturalist project I created) are:

32,530 observations.
3,167 species
1,772 identifiers
1,660 observers

The numbers should change in the next week or so as app users with more expertise identify/verify other people's observations.

Remember that the Biodiversity of the Anacostia River iNaturalist project is an ongoing effort, you can add observations year round, the bioblitz is just a way to directly engage and educate the public.


Publicado el 10 de septiembre de 2018 a las 04:08 PM por jorbogmont jorbogmont


Thanks Jorge! We had a lot of fun. We hardly even made to it the actual Kingman Island as we found too many things on the way from RFK. Really amazing to see how much biodiversity we have.

Anotado por saw_it hace cerca de 6 años

I really enjoyed being at Kenilworth Aquatic Gardens hunting and the presenters at tables were great with exhibits of things I don’t normally get to see like fish and Early stages of insect larvae that live in the ponds. The flowers in bloom were different than the usual public magnet of foreign lotus so the native plants were my focus in the hunt. Great day for photography too with the cloud difussed light. Thanks to all the experts who helped on site and on the Internet!

Anotado por woodcut55 hace cerca de 6 años

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