Homework #8 (Due this thursday) & Twin Peaks

Homework #8 is posted here - just a paragraph about your final project so please turn in (via email) THIS THURSDAY.
and if you want to go to Twin Peaks on Wednesday to look for Mission Blue Butterflies, meet at the Mission 24th Street BART station at 2pm (Liam can only make 2pm) and I'll give you a ride up or meet at the Twin Peaks parking lot at 2:30pm. Please add a comment here if you can make it and/or can drive.

Publicado el 16 de abril de 2014 a las 01:05 AM por loarie loarie


Hi Scott, I can make it, and if I could have a ride that would be great. See you at 2 pm at 24th St. station.

Anotado por kat14 hace mas de 10 años

ill be going as well and will need a ride from 24th street station. my number is 510-367-6965.

Anotado por marisa hace mas de 10 años

Hi Katie and Marisa - great I'll see you guys at BART at 2pm, call me at 415-278-1220 - can anyone else make it?

Anotado por loarie hace mas de 10 años

When is the Tilden Bioblitz on Sunday? Who's going?

Anotado por zoozannah hace mas de 10 años

Hey, I'm also interested in doing the Tilden Park Bioblitz

Anotado por kerby365 hace mas de 10 años

I'd also like to go to Tilden, if anyone knows the details let me know, thanks.

Anotado por jrpscott hace mas de 10 años

Hi guys the Tilden Bioblitz is on Sunday - details here: http://www.inaturalist.org/projects/2014-tilden-nature-area-bioblitz

Anotado por loarie hace mas de 10 años

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