Homework #5, #6, and Briones field trip

Homework #5 is here due next Tuesday and
Homework #6 is here due the following Thursday, these homeworks are related so I'd get started over the weekend. Also for the Briones Field Trip meet at the West Circle at 11:30 am or Briones Park at 12:00am. RSVP if you're planning on going so we can make sure rides are coordinated!

Publicado el 15 de marzo de 2014 a las 12:04 AM por loarie loarie


What day is the Briones field trip?

Anotado por bburs hace mas de 10 años


Anotado por loarie hace mas de 10 años

I have 3 seats available, if anyone needs a ride, feel free to contact me. My phone number is: 626-277-8309 Yinqi

Anotado por liyinqi77 hace mas de 10 años

I'll go! I have 4 seats if people need rides

Anotado por marisa hace mas de 10 años

I vote for a mon-thurs field trip next... I can't be the only one who works all/every weekend :(

Anotado por bburs hace mas de 10 años

I'll see you at West Circle at 11:30 am for a ride :)

Anotado por zoozannah hace mas de 10 años

Great - so I think my car is full (zozannah & gabby+2) I'll be at West Circle at 11:30. marisa and liyinqi77 see you at Briones at 12:00 (feel free to coordinate between the two of you if you want to carpool)? Call me at 415-278-1220 if anyone has trouble finding us. If anyone else wants to come but can't find a ride, please coordinate with Yinqui or marisa. bburs - maybe we can organize a Wed fieldtrip after spring break?

Anotado por loarie hace mas de 10 años
Anotado por loarie hace mas de 10 años

I will meet you there

Anotado por lugefool hace mas de 10 años

i had my gps set to whatever default address it had for briones. I realized after i parked that it wasnt the right area, but didnt have any cell service. just went on a solo hike around the area and ill upload my observations later today!

Anotado por marisa hace mas de 10 años

I would also be interested in a Wednesday field trip! Weekends are hard for my schedule.

Anotado por pdurr hace mas de 10 años

Wednesday works well for me, too!

Anotado por almanzacamille hace mas de 10 años

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