Great examples!

Check out this observation Great job!
That observation has 2 great photos: egg mass is still in the water on the white board background with the dime for scale and the egg mass appears free enough of debris so that the photo can be identified. Our curators have let me know that some of the photos are a bit more difficult to verify - blurry or out of focus, detritus on the egg mass obscures the egg forms, background and egg mass are too similar (no white board used), or reference scale is lacking. If you are having difficulty with photos, check out some of the observations where our curators have weighed in and the observations are marked "Research Grade."

You guys and gals are doing great - keep up the good work!!

Publicado el 24 de marzo de 2017 a las 03:10 PM por wendyc_wdfwcitsci wendyc_wdfwcitsci


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