May contest winners!

Hello Amphibian Monitors! Please join me in celebrating the Bellevue Master Naturalists, who won our Team Engagement contest with the following lovely poem:

Froggie Love
March 2017:

Even in this cold and beastly winter
The amphibians take time for froggie love
Leaving jellied eggs below the surface
Of a pond that sedges poke above.

Clouds are partly lifting, so the humans
Risking brisky air and pending pour,
Wearing clunky boots and draped in cameras,
Gently wade in shallows at the shore.

Peering at the surface clear or murky
Slipping plastic sheet a tad beneath
They examine, they explore and part the waters
Checking under stalks and fallen leaf.

“I think I found one!” Much elated, shows the others
Cloudy purse with round black eggs, count five or six
Well-adhering to the stalk of old emergent
“Must be chorus frog,” they murmur, “Take a pic.”

The volunteer with camera snaps a photo,
Calls out the hue of eggs, the size of mass
And on the shore, the data are recorded,
With date and time and waypoint GPS.

Which organism is the more triumphant
Is it salamander, frog or newt
Whose reproductive talent has been proven?
Or the nature-hounds in data’s hot pursuit?

Submitted by Bellevue Master Naturalists

Publicado el 19 de mayo de 2017 a las 03:15 PM por jennymears jennymears


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