Lewis Woodpecker seen mating in Waterton National Park!

To say this is an amazing record would be an understatement. We get Lewis Woodpeckers from time to time, but them mating and nesting is amazing.

Some other notable sightings from the past month:

  • Williamsons Sapsucker at Bragg Creek, I believe it is gone now
  • 32 pacific loons at Cross Lake PP, breeding plumage males
  • Great-tailed Grackle at Priddis Slough (unconfirmed)
  • Red-headed Woodpecker, Cypress County
  • Nashville Warbler at Pearce Estate Park (unconfirmed)
  • Male Indigo Bunting in Cumberland (Edmonton)
  • Eastern Wood-Pewee at St. Albert (May 26th)
  • Tufted Duck at Picture Butte Reservoir
Publicado el 02 de junio de 2023 a las 01:08 AM por quinnbirds quinnbirds


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